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cas project
2PM talks - YouTube channel


1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

01 - Investigation

I first stumbled upon videos in TikTok and podcasts on YouTube that tackled conversations dealing with controversial and debate questions. I wanted to incorporate this in our school by asking students of Wells what are their views on various discussion topics. 

02 - Preparation

I prepared a team of three, where my team shared roles such as interviewee, cameraman, and script. We then created a YouTube channel called 2PM, and starting writing the 'storyboard' for our videos, in terms of the questions being asked.  This phase of the project took a few weeks as we wanted our content to be as original and engaging to our target audience , which were IB learners like us as well as students within our school.

03 - Action

We then began filming videos and our first video dealt with whether social media was a force of good or bad. This was carried out by interviewing various students and teachers. Afterwards, I used a program called Final Cut Pro to combine the clips together to make it look professional like the videos I saw on YouTube. We began to storyboard more videos and dealing with global issues and giving our viewers an insight into our community and the ideas that spring from it. 

04 - Reflection

Overall throughout the whole stages of investigation, preparation, and action it had given me the momentum to go forward with future projects when I am done with high school. The two phases of this project I would say that was the most important overall was investigation and preparation. There were times where my team and I were lacking motivation because we felt that the topics were not interesting enough to be published on YouTube. However, we continued to come up with topic/ideas that we thought would be fun for our audience, and this is what helped us push towards the action phase, keeping the audience in mind at all times. I felt that this perseverance from my team was reflected in CAS learning outcome 4 (as stated above).  

Although we didn't garner that many views, I would say that it was the process that counted into what made our CAS Project special. Hopefully taking into account the correlation between the number of views and certain topics will help our YouTube channel be successful, and be a site for discussion topics between teenagers, adults, and educators around the world. We could also upload memes that IB students can refer to, which can grow our target audience and gain some views as well. 


 Furthermore, the experience of publishing videos on Youtube and garnering views on conversational topics that are interesting and are related to global issues made me grow as a person. This is because I too had my own perspectives when making the videos, but after making these videos it had made me see different perspectives on debates that are common in this day and age. The new skills I developed throughout the project was being able to talk in public as well as approaching people in a friendly and open manner, allowing them to be comfortable when being asked about a certain topic.  

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05 - Demonstration

Pictured on the left is the YouTube channel. This has been a great experience and has played a role during my time as an IB learner as it also influenced my perspectives when writing my TOK essay to take into account other scopes as well. I also think that it has developed my cooperation skills especially working in a team. We all had individual roles to carry out and I think we carried out really well, and we were all leaders in our own ways, giving attributes equally in the videos we made. 

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